Jan. 9th Meeting @PEMS — Guest Speaker Chief Ranger Josh Mazzatenta

State Park Ranger Josh Mazzatenta presented at our January 9th meeting, where he shared about Machicomoco State Park updates and upcoming events. Before becoming the Chief Ranger at the park, Mazzatenta graduated from Christopher Newport University ('16). The Rotary has held a close relationship with Machicomoco since its opening in 2021 and is grateful to Ranger Mazzatenta for joining us!
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Toys for Tots Project

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Using funds donated by Gloucester Rotary members, Board Members Kristi Rowe and Sarah Burney purchased 50 toys for Toys for Tots! (Pictured here: Kristi Rowe.)

Thank you to all of the members that donated, and Happy Holidays from the Gloucester Rotary!

Bread for Life Collection

The Gloucester Rotary recently hosted its annual Christmas Party, where we collected 92 lbs. of food/non-food essentials and $300 for the Bread for Life Food Pantry. Thank you to all those who donated! (Pictured is Vice President Elect, Lester Sterling, dropping off our donations.)
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2024 Flags for Heroes

Flags for Heroes is a celebration of the people who have shaped and inspired us. Throughout November, we display 50 sponsored flags to honor the women and men who have, by their dedication, become heroes in our lives. Thank you to all who showed their support and sponsored a flag this year, and a special thank you to our vetrans.

Nov. 14th Meeting @PEMS — Guest Speaker
Rev. Dr. Katrina W. Brown

Rev. Dr. Katrina W. Brown, joined us at our November 14th meeting to present on the ongoing work of the Salvation Army of the Virginia Peninsula and partnership opportunities for the upcoming Red Kettle Bell Ringing season. In addition to serving as the Chairperson of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army of Gloucester/Mathews Service Center, Rev. Dr. Brown is the Associate Minister of Bethel Baptist Church, the Founder and President of Sisters in the Spirit Ministries, Inc., and a Park Ranger at Machicomoco State Park. 
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Commemorating the Ellis Hall and Bob Marble Memorial Garden

On October 25th, community and Rotary members alike gathered in front of Edgehill Town Center on Main Street to commemorate the Ellis Hall and Bob Marble Memorial Garden. Ellis and Bob were founding members of Gloucester Rotary and remained in dedicated service to the club and the county until their passing. We are grateful for their work and are proud to memorialize them with this beautiful community space. We also extend our gratitude to Ike's Landscape and Pest Management for designing and upkeeping the garden.

Oct. 24th Meeting @Sanders — Guest Speaker Rachel Alwine

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Archeologist Rachel Alwine, joined us on October 24th to discuss the work of the Fairfield Foundation and provide volunteer information/opportunities. Headquartered in Gloucester, the Foundation focuses on educating the public on archeology, historical preservation, and local history. We appreciate the work Rachel does and are grateful for her wonderful presentation!
Rockin for literacy 2024


Thank you to all who came out to the Rockin' for Literacy event held on October 13th at the Ware River Yacht Club! Together, we raised over $7,000, and all proceeds will go toward the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which provides books to children in the community. 

Oct. 10th Meeting @PEMS — Guest

Speaker Haley Hamilton


On October 10th, Haley Hamilton, Sales Director for Commonwealth Senior Living Gloucester House, presented on senior planning and resources. Commonwealth Senior Living provides assisted living, independent living, and memory care support throughout 32 facilities in six states. Thank you for joining us, Haley!

40th Annual Pig Roast 

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Our Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser (held on September 26th) was a HUGE success. Thank you to everyone that volunteered, attended, and sponsored. Your support enables us to continue offering local grants and student scholarships, and for that we are grateful!

We look forward to this gathering every year, and love connecting with the community over good food and company. We can't wait to do it all again next year!

Email gloucester.va.rotaryclub@gmail.com to learn more about this event.

Abingdon Community Day — June 15th

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On Saturday, June 15th, the Gloucester Rotary attended the first annual Abingdon Community Day, where we signed up children for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Nearly 400 people came out to enjoy good food, local artisans, and various games and activities. Thank you to Abingdon Episcopal Church for hosting this community-wide event!

Recent Installations at Machicomoco State Park

This spring, the Gloucester Rotary provided and installed shade sails and 2 picnic tables for an outdoor classroom at Machicomoco
State Park. The space will be used to educate visitors on the Indigenous Peoples of the area.

Our members also constructed and installed 14 benches along the park's trails.

We are proud to improve the park experience and encourage all to enjoy this wonderful local resource!
Gloucester County Rabies Clinic — May 18
The Gloucester Rotary co-hosted the Rabies Clinic on May 18th, continuing its longstanding support of the pups of Gloucester! During the Clinic we helped get 99 dogs vaccinated and raised just over $1000, which will go toward the Friends of Animal Control.

The Rabies Clinic is offered semi-annually and costs $10 per pet, so keep an eye out for future events. In the meantime, thank you for helping us keep Gloucester and its pets safe!
29th Annual Golf Tournament — May 17
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Thank you to all who came out to the Gloucester Rotary's annual Golf Tournament at Golden Eagle Golf Club on May 17th! We raised over $13,000,
and all funds will support Rotary scholarships and grant-making.
Daffodil Festival — April 6 & 7
Daffidol festival

The Rotary was pleased to attended the annual Daffodil Festival on April 6 and 7.  Where we teamed up with the Care Clinic to promote Rotary and sign up children for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. 
Gloucester Rotary Club Social — March 7
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On March 7, we held a Rotary Social to get to know community members interested in the Rotary and share a bit about what it means to be a Rotarian. If you missed the event but would like to learn more about the Club, please email gloucester.va.rotaryclub@gmail.com

Delivering Toiletry Kits 

 At the Chesapeake Presidents Elect Training Seminar (CPETS), held from February 29 to March 2, Rotarians from across the region packaged 2000 toiletry kits to distribute to those in need. Gloucester Rotary provided 13 kits each to the Gloucester High School Care Closet and the Homeless Bus. 

Pictured in the first photo from left to right: Robbie Klaus, Taylor Rodgers, Nancy Dykeman, Steve Humphrey, Henry Moncure, and Parker Goldstein.

Pictured in the second photo from left to right: Henry Moncure, Nancy Dykeman, Steve Humphrey, and Wendy Roundy.

Volunteering at Bread for Life — Feb. 7

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On Feb. 7, the Gloucester Rotary Club assisted Bread for Life Food Pantry in packaging food for fellow Gloucester residents needing groceries. Located at 7840 John Clayton Memorial Highway, the Pantry is open Mondays from 11 AM to 2 PM and Wednesdays from 1 PM to 4 PM and has supported local residents since 2009.

Rotary Club members volunteer the first Wednesday of every month. We'd love to have you join us! To learn more about 
 volunteering please email gloucester.va.rotaryclub@gmail.com

(Pictured left to right are: Lester Sterling, Nancy Dykeman, Bread for Life volunteer Jenny George, Steve Humphrey, Craig Monsen, and Kristi Rowe.)
More About Bread for Life

Bimonthly Meeting with Carol Steele

County Administrator, Carol Steele, spoke on Thursday, January 11. She reviewed 2023 county-wide programs, initiatives, and updates and 2023 and presented on what Gloucester residences can look forward to in 2024.

Flags for Heroes — Nov. 8-20


Flags for Heroes is a celebration of the people who have shaped and inspired us. From November 8th through the 20th, the Rotary displayed sponsored flags to honor the women and men who have, by their dedication and service, become heroes in our lives.

One hundred flags were flown on the green space next to Walmart. We appreciate those who sponsored a flag, and are grateful for our heroes.

(Pictured: Hervie Revere, US Army Retired)

Clean Gloucester Day! — October 13-14th 


The Gloucester Rotary once again participated in biannual, county-wide Clean Gloucester Day! Rotary members collected five bags of trash along Warehouse Road on Friday, October 13. Thank you to all who help keep our county clean!

(Pictured: Kristi Rowe, Lester Sterling, Nancy Dykeman, Craig Monsen, and Henry Moncure)

Bimonthly Meeting @ PEMS — Oct. 12th

On October 12 we held our bimonthly meeting where we heard from the team at the Gloucester County VA Emergency Management Department. Staff updated us on the county's emergency preparedness and department initiatives.  

Walk to End Alzheimer's
Fundraiser and Walk

Thanks to the efforts of our members and especially our Community Service Chair, Nathan Hansen, the Gloucester Rotary raised over $1000 for the Middle Peninsula Walk to End Alzheimer's. The Walk was held on Saturday, October 7th, and several of our Rotary members participated to raise awareness and support the community!

39th Annual Pig Roast Fundraiser


On September 28th, the Gloucester Rotary hosted its 39th Annual Pig Roast on September 28 at the Ware River Yacht Club! Thank you to everyone who attended this special fundraiser! All funds raised support local organizations and provide scholarships for Gloucester youth.

Bimonthly Meeting with Katey Legg

On September 14, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Katey Legg, joined us for our bimonthly meeting to discuss the latest services and happenings at Parks and Rec. 

The Gloucester Farmer's Market — Sept. 9

On September 9, the Gloucester Rotary attended the final Gloucester Farmer's Market of the season. We enjoyed local vendors, food trucks, and entertainment as we wrapped up summer in style. The Rotary is grateful to Ware Church for coordinating this monthly Farmer's Market and for bringing the community together in new and exciting ways!

District 7610 Membership Summit — Sept. 8-9

Rotarians from across District 7610 will gathered together on September 8-9, in Fredericksburg, VA for a Membership Summit. The Summit provided opportunities for community building and networking, and scheduled events included touring the historical Fredericksburg area and hearing about the work of fellow Virginia Rotarians. We appreciate the Rappahannock Fredericksburg Rotary Club for hosting!

Bimonthly Meeting @ Sanders with Keith Belvin and Pat Roane

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On Thursday morning, August 24th, we met at the Sanders Senior Active Living Center, for our monthly morning meeting. Retired NASA Chief Technologist, Keith Belvin, and Retired Navy Captain, Pat Roane, joined us. Captain Roane spoke on the importance of STEM and how the Rotary can support STEM efforts and education.  

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

The Gloucester Rotary volunteered at the Gloucester Library on August 5th, to sign-up children under 5 for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. Participants receive a free book each month, and the Rotary was proud to sign-up 30 kids for the program.

Rotary Funds Three AEDs for Local Parks


The Gloucester and Mathews Rotary Clubs recently partnered together to fund three AED placements. One went to the Law Enforcement Truck at Machicomoco State Park, and the two others were placed in Gloucester County Parks. The Automated External Defibrillators are portable and aid those experiencing a cardiac arrest.

(Pictured: Gloucester President –Elect/Treasurer Nancy Dykeman, Chief Ranger Josh Mazzatenta, Mathews President-Elect Bill Sterns, and coordinator, Gloucester Club member Steve Humphrey presenting an AED for Machicomoco State Park.)
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(Picutred: Katey Legg, Parks and Recreation, Director; Nancy Dykeman, President-Elect/Treasurer; Steve Humphrey, Club member;
Henry Moncure, President; Gregg Tonge, Parks and Rec. Facilitator of Maintenance of the county parks.
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