Annual Awards and Officer Inductions

On May 30, 2019, the club presented annual awards and inducted the 2019-2020 officers.

Awards were presented to:

Lisa Jackson, President – the District Governor Club Builder Award

Amy Perkins-McTurnal, Secretary – Paul Harris Award

Josh Junker – Paul Harris +2 award.

The club also presented $500 to DFC Juanita Cawley for Rotary International’s Polio Plus initiative


Jan. 26, 2019 Service Project

The Gloucester Rotary Club completed its winter service project on Saturday Jan. 26 at the Puller Center on Main Street. The club built and installed two benches and two garden boxes to accommodate visitors and attendees of Versability Resources. Special thanks to members Henry Moncure, Nancy Dykeman, Newton DeShazo, and Jay McGlohn for all of their hard work and Peggy Moncure as photographer! Also pictured is Stephanie Faber, Asst. Operations Manager, Puller Center.